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一种面向大负载低转速轴承的故障诊断方法 |
A Fault Diagnosis Method for Heavy-load Low-speed Bearing |
收稿日期:2020-06-10 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2020.09.008 |
关键词: 大负载低转速轴承 振动检测方法 故障诊断 快速谱峭度包络分析法 |
Key Words:heavy load low speed bearing vibration detection method fault diagnosis Fast Kurtogram envelope analysis method |
基金项目:陕西省技术创新引导专项(项目编号:2020CGHJ-007)。 |
摘要点击次数: 3889 |
全文下载次数: 2691 |
摘要:造纸生产线上,有很多大负载、低转速的旋转设备,其轴承在承受较重载荷时,极易受到损伤,导致设备故障,甚至造成停机。因此,大负载低转速轴承的在线故障诊断非常重要。本课题在对大负载低转速轴承振动的诊断难点及当前故障诊断常用方法分析的基础上,提出了一种基于快速谱峭度包络解调分析的轴承故障诊断方法。首先采用快速谱峭度法计算振动信号的最大谱峭度值,确定最优的带通滤波器系数,然后利用带通滤波器对振动信号进行降噪处理,最后利用希尔伯特变换方法对降噪信号进行处理,分析包络谱,得到诊断结果。借助团队自行设计的轴承故障实验台,对本课题所提方法的优缺点和适用性等进行了实验研究,验证了本课题算法的有效性,并为工程应用提出了建议。 |
Abstract:On the paper production line, especially on high grammage paper board machines, there are many heavy-load low-speed rotating equipment, such as press rolls and dryers. Compared with high-speed equipment, their vibration characteristics are weak and difficult to extract. At the same time, low-speed bearings are often subject to heavy loads and vulnerable to damage, which can lead to equipment failure and even shutdown. Therefore, on-line fault diagnosis of heavy-load and low-speed bearings is very important. Based on the analysis of the difficulties in the diagnosis of heavy-load low-speed bearing vibration and the current common methods of fault diagnosis, this paper proposed a bearing fault diagnosis method based on Fast Kurtogram envelope demodulation analysis. First, the Fast Kurtogram method was used to calculate the maximum spectral kurtosis value of the vibration signal to determine the optimal band-pass filter coefficient. Then band-pass filter was used to perform noise reduction on the vibration signal. Finally, the Hilbert transform method was used to process the noise reduction signal, and the envelope spectrum was analyzed to obtain the diagnosis result. With the help of the bearing failure test bench designed by the team, the advantages, disadvantages, and applicability of the method proposed in this paper were experimentally researched, the effectiveness of the algorithm in this paper were verified, and some recommendations were put forward for engineering applications. |
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