Analysis of Properties and Pyrolysis Products of Several Reconstituted Tobacco Sheets
关键词:  烟草薄片  化学组分  热失重特性  热裂解特性  致香成分  有害成分
Key Words:reconstituted tobacco sheet  chemical components  thermogravimetric characteristics  pyrolysis characteristics  aroma components  harmful components
贾伟萍 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司湖北武汉430040 430040
刘达岸 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司湖北武汉430040
刘文婷 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司湖北武汉430040 430040
王波 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司湖北武汉430040 430040
王昊 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司湖北武汉430040 430040
安俊健 湖北工业大学绿色轻工材料湖北省重点实验室湖北武汉430068 430068
王磊 湖北工业大学绿色轻工材料湖北省重点实验室湖北武汉430068 430068
摘要点击次数: 4129
全文下载次数: 2679
Abstract:The chemical components of 10 kinds of reconstituted tobacco sheets (9 kinds of domestic tobacco sheets, one kind of abroad tobacco sheet) were analyzed and compared systematically for the first time in this study, and the results showed that the chemical components(hot water extract,total sugar, reducing sugar, total alkaloids, total nitrogen and ash) were different, which led to the differences of thermogravimetric characteristics and pyrolysis components. Then, the mass loss characteristics of the above reconstituted tobacco sheets in air atmosphere were analyzed and compared by thermogravimetry/differential scanning calorimetry. The results showed that the weight loss rates of different reconstituted tobacco sheets in different stages had little difference, but the temperature corresponding to the mass loss rate and maximum weight loss rate were different; in addition, the final biochar yield was significantly different (8.52%~18.09%).Py-GC/MS was used to analyze the pyrolysis products of the reconstituted tobacco sheets and the key aroma components (3-methyl-12-cyclopentadiene, D-limonene, n-hexadecanoic acid, 2-methoxyphenol, glycerol, 2-methoxy-4-vinyl phenol and linoleic acid) and harmful components (acetone, p-cresol, acetic acid, toluene and phenol) were also analyzed and filtrated.
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