Application of UV Absorption Spectrum to Identification of Copy Papers
关键词:  静电复印纸  紫外吸收光谱  纸张鉴别
Key Words:copy paper  UV absorption spectroscopy  paper examination
崔连义 辽宁警察学院辽宁大连116036 116036
摘要点击次数: 3795
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摘要:在文书和微量物证的检验中,经常需要对纸张的种类和同一性进行检验,以便为侦查提供线索,为案件审理提供证据。为建立静电复印纸经济、简便、快速的鉴别方法,优化并确定了纸张的提取条件为沸水(98℃)浴纯净水静止浸泡10 min;对提取物进行了紫外吸收光谱扫描,并对测试数据进行了独立样本T检验。实验结果表明,相同实验条件下,纸张样品提取物的紫外光谱的峰数、峰位、峰形及吸光度值不同。据此,可实现对不同厂家不同品牌、相同厂家不同品牌及相同品牌不同批号静电复印纸的鉴别,为静电复印纸的来源判断及同一性比对提供了新的检验方法。该方法重现性好、操作简单,在一定程度上能够满足于基层检验部门的需要。
Abstract:In the examination of documents and trace evidence, it is necessary to test the types and identity of the paper in order to provide clues for investigation and evidence for case trial. In order to establish an economical, simple and rapid examination method of copy papers, the extraction conditions of papers were optimized as follows: the paper was immersed in boiling pure water (98℃) bath for 10 min. Then, the extracts were scanned by UV absorption spectrum, and the test data were analyzed with independent T-test. The results showed that the number, location, shape and absorption value of UV spectra of extracts from various paper samples were different under the same experimental conditions. According to this result, the paper samples from different manufacturers, brands and batches could be distinguished and classified. A new identification method was provided for the source judgment and identity comparison of copy papers, which had good reproducibility and simplicity. It could meet the requirements of grass-roots inspection departments to a certain extent.
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