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基于ABAQUS软件的一种微型靴压对辊的有限元分析 |
Finite Element Analysis of a Micro Shoe Press Roller Based on ABAQUS Software |
收稿日期:2020-11-25 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2021.03.007 |
关键词: 微型靴压对辊 ABAQUS软件 静力学分析 热分析 动力学模态分析 |
Key Words:micro shoe press roller ABAQUS software static analysis thermal analysis dynamic modal analysis |
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摘要点击次数: 3803 |
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摘要:本研究采用Creo软件建立一种微型靴压对辊的三维模型,然后用ABAQUS软件分别进行了静力学分析、热分析和动力学模态分析。静力学分析结果表明,该微型靴压对辊所承受线压力与辊筒表面最大挠度为一次函数关系,且该微型靴压对辊承受最大线压力约为325 kN/m;热分析结果表明,该微型靴压对辊的应变主要是由线压力和自身重力所造成的,热应力对其影响不大;动力学模态分析结果表明,该微型靴压对辊各阶的固有频率均远离其工作频率,不会发生共振现象。 |
Abstract:In this study, Creo software was used to establish a three-dimensional model of a micro shoe press roller. Then the static analysis, thermal analysis and dynamic modal analysis were carried out with ABAQUS software. The static analysis results showed that it was a linear function between the linear pressure of the micro shoe press roller and the maximum deflection of the roller surface were linear functions, and the maximum linear pressure was about 325 kN/m. The thermal analysis results showed that the strain of micro shoe press roller was mainly caused by the linear pressure and its own gravity, the influence of thermal stress was negative. The results of dynamic modal analysis showed that its each order the natural frequencies were far away from operation frequency, the resonance phenomenon would not occur. |
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