Control of Machine Vision-Based Corrugated Paper Feeding Robot
关键词:  瓦楞纸  机器人  机器视觉
Key Words:corrugated paper  robot  machine vision
陈贤 常州纺织服装职业技术学院江苏常州213164 213164
夏建春 常州纺织服装职业技术学院江苏常州213164 213164
摘要点击次数: 3781
全文下载次数: 2329
摘要:本研究采用工业相机采集纸板切割机切下的纸板纸尖图像,取得纸尖在机器人世界坐标系中的定位数据,根据压辊机的位置和所需要的瓦楞角度,建立了机器人的姿态预测模型。在机器人运行时通过调整机器人的运行姿态,实现瓦楞纸的压制上料。经过实际运行,系统可以将瓦楞纸位置误差控制在5 mm以内,旋转角度误差控制在2°以内。结果表明,基于机器视觉的机器人送纸过程的稳定性和可靠性均优于人工操作,但是灵活性还有一定的欠缺。
Abstract:In this study, an industrial camera was used to collect the image of paper points cut by the paperboard cutting machine, and the positioning data of the tip in the robot world coordinate system was obtained. According to the position of the roller press and the required corrugation angle, the attitude prediction model was established. In the movement of the robot, the feeding of corrugated paper was achieved by regulating the robot’s attitude. After actual operation, it was obtained that the position error of corrugated paper could be controlled within 5 mm with the rotation angle error within 2°. The results showed that the stability and reliability of machine vision-based robot feeding process were better than manual operation but with the lack of flexibility.
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