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不同生长期绿洲一号和巨菌草制浆性能探讨 |
Study on Pulping Performance of Arund donax cv. Lvzhou No.1 and Pennisetum Sinese in Different Growth Periods |
收稿日期:2021-01-11 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2021.06.007 |
关键词: 绿洲一号 巨菌草 超声波 制浆性能 |
Key Words:Arund donax cv. Lvzhou No.1 Pennisetum Sinese ultrasonic pulp performance |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31370146);福建农林大学国际合作与交流项目(KXG15001A);菌草生态产业协同创新中心攻关课题(K80ND800212)。 |
摘要点击次数: 3610 |
全文下载次数: 2604 |
摘要:采用超声辅助预处理及蒸煮对1年、2年和3年不同生长期的绿洲一号及巨菌草的制浆性能进行了评价。结果表明,在相同制浆工艺条件下(超声波预处理用碱量4%,硫化度2%,超声时间2 h;蒸煮用碱量6%,硫化度0,固液比1∶4,最高温度170℃,保温时间1 h),3年生巨菌草较适合作为制浆原料,其制浆的粗浆得率49.3%,卡伯值14.5,纸浆黏度850.63 mL/g,白度39.3%。超声波预处理液中木素含量4.3 g/L,还原糖含量2.9 g/L,蒸煮黑液中木素含量2.9 g/L,还原糖含量5.7 g/L。抄造纸张抗张指数56.4 N·m/g,撕裂指数20.5 mN·m2/g,耐破指数2.35 kPa·m2/g。 |
Abstract:The pulping performance of Arund donax cv. Lvzhou No.1 and Pennisetum Sinese in different growth periods of 1, 2, and 3 years by ultrasonic-assisted pretreatment and cooking process were evaluated. The research results showed that under the same pulping conditions (ultrasonic pretreatment with 4% alkali; sulfidity of 2%; ultrasonic time of 2 h; cooking alkali dosage of 6%, sulfidity of 0; solid-liquid ratio of 1∶4; maximum temperature of 170℃, and holding time of 1 h), the 3-year-old Pennisetum Sinese was more suitable as a pulp raw material, the unscreened pulp yield was 49.3%, Kappa value was 14.5, viscosity was 850.63 mL/g, brightness was 39.3%. The contents of lignin and reducing sugar in ultrasonic pretreatment liquid were 4.3 g/L and 2.9 g/L, and those in cooking black liquid were 2.9 g/L and 5.7 g/L. tensile index of paper was 56.4 N·m/g, and tearing index was 20.5 mN·m2/g, burst index was 2.35 kPa·m2/g. |
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