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降低生活用纸能耗和纸尘的涂层解决方案 |
Coating Solution to Decrease Energy Consumption and Paper Dust of Tissue Paper |
收稿日期:2021-04-10 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2021.09.018 |
关键词: 生活用纸 粘缸剂 剥离剂 低温涂层 纸尘 蒸汽 |
Key Words:tissue adhesive release low-temperature coating paper dust steam |
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摘要:生活用纸的清洁生产包括纸尘控制和能耗控制两大方面,为此针对性地开发了低温涂层产品替代常规涂层产品,以降低纸尘和蒸汽消耗。本研究主要研究了低温粘缸剂、低温剥离剂和低温涂层的特性。结果表明,低温粘缸剂在较低温度下具有较高的黏结力、合适的耐水性和合适的成膜软硬;低温剥离剂则具有较低的表面张力和适宜的剥离力,纳米级的低温剥离剂可以在涂层中分布得更加均一。通过Turbiscan稳定仪测试低温粘缸剂与低温剥离剂混合液的稳定性,其TSI系数只有0.98,表明混合液稳定。将低温涂层工业化应用后发现,在相同条件下,可以降低80~230 kPa扬克缸蒸汽压力,且能在一定幅度降低蒸汽耗用;较常规涂层而言,低温涂层的应用可以减少10%~50%的原纸/成品的掉粉率。 |
Abstract:The clean production of tissue included paper dust control and energy consumption control. In order to reduce paper dust and steam consumption, low-temperature coating products were targeted developed to replace conventional coating products. The characteristics of low-temperature adhesive, low-temperature release and low-temperature coating were studied in this paper. The results showed that the low-temperature adhesive had high adhesion, suitable water resistance and suitable film forming hardness at lower temperature. The low-temperature release had lower surface tension and suitable peel force, and the nano scale low-temperature release could be distributed more evenly in the coating. The stability of the mixture of low-temperature adhesive and low-temperature release was tested by Turbiscan stability instrument. The TSI coefficient was only 0.98, indicating that the mixture was stable. After industrial application of low-temperature coating, it was found that under the same conditions, the steam pressure of Yankee cylinder could be reduced by 80~230 kPa, and the steam consumption could be reduced to a certain extent. Compared with conventional coating, the application of low-temperature coating could reduce the dust drop rate of base paper/finished products by 10%~50%. |
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