Research on Evaluation Method and Law of Quality Shelf Life for Tissue Paper
关键词:  生活用纸  微生物指标  物理性能  保质期
Key Words:tissue paper  microbial indicators  physical property  shelf life
陈春霞 广东省东莞市质量监督检测中心国家纸制品质量监督检验中心广东东莞523808 523808
白静静 广东省东莞市质量监督检测中心国家纸制品质量监督检验中心广东东莞523808 523808
赖毅东 广东省东莞市质量监督检测中心国家纸制品质量监督检验中心广东东莞523808 523808
汪代锟 广东省东莞市质量监督检测中心国家纸制品质量监督检验中心广东东莞523808 523808
刘嘉慧 广东省东莞市质量监督检测中心国家纸制品质量监督检验中心广东东莞523808 523808
徐梅英 广东省东莞市质量监督检测中心国家纸制品质量监督检验中心广东东莞523808 523808
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摘要:本研究探讨了生活用纸的菌落总数及关键物理指标(强度、吸水性等)随存放时间的变化规律,以科学评价生活用纸的保质期。通过观察加速老化及自然存放得到的细菌菌落总数变化量推导出微生物指标稳定期计算模型,按照计算模型或GB 15979—2002中的稳定性评价方法,可推算细菌菌落总数超标的保质期。物理性能随老化周期变化不明显,擦手纸、厨房纸巾、纸巾纸的横向吸液高度及纵向湿抗张强度出现一定衰减,但抗张强度及柔软度稳定。相对于物理指标,微生物指标是影响保质期的关键因素。
Abstract:The change law of the total number of colonies and the key physical indexes (strength, water absorption, etc.) with time was explored to scientifically evaluate the shelf life of tissue paper. The calculation model of stable period of microbial index was derived based on the variation amount of total bacterial colony quantity obtained by accelerated aging and natural storage. According to the calculation model or referring to stability evaluation method in GB 15979—2002, the shelf life of the total superstable of bacterial colonies could be calculated. The results showed that the physical properties had no obvious change with the aging period. The water absorption height of CD and wet tensile strength of MD of hand towel, kitchen towel and facial tissue had a certain attenuation, but tensile strength and softness kept basically stable. Compared to physical properties, the microbial indicators were the key factors affecting the shelf life.
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