Origin, Development and Present Status of Bamboo Papermaking in China
关键词:  竹子  竹浆  竹纸  竹产业
Key Words:bamboo  bamboo pulp  bamboo paper  bamboo industry
刘一山* 四川工商职业技术学院中国轻工业竹材纤维印刷包装材料研发及质量评价重点实验室四川省竹子制浆造纸工程技术研究中心四川都江堰611830 611830
朱友胜 四川工商职业技术学院中国轻工业竹材纤维印刷包装材料研发及质量评价重点实验室四川省竹子制浆造纸工程技术研究中心四川都江堰611830 611830
张俊苗 四川工商职业技术学院中国轻工业竹材纤维印刷包装材料研发及质量评价重点实验室四川省竹子制浆造纸工程技术研究中心四川都江堰611830 611830
张玉红 四川工商职业技术学院中国轻工业竹材纤维印刷包装材料研发及质量评价重点实验室四川省竹子制浆造纸工程技术研究中心四川都江堰611830 611830
刘连丽 四川工商职业技术学院中国轻工业竹材纤维印刷包装材料研发及质量评价重点实验室四川省竹子制浆造纸工程技术研究中心四川都江堰611830 611830
吴晶晶 四川工商职业技术学院中国轻工业竹材纤维印刷包装材料研发及质量评价重点实验室四川省竹子制浆造纸工程技术研究中心四川都江堰611830 611830
谢章红 宜宾纸业股份 有限公司四川省竹子制浆造纸工程技术研究中心四川宜宾644100 644100
王科 宜宾纸业股份 有限公司四川省竹子制浆造纸工程技术研究中心四川宜宾644100 644100
冉敬明 贵州盛世 荣创再生科技有限公司贵州瓮安550400 550400
摘要点击次数: 3208
全文下载次数: 2971
Abstract:China is the first country in the world to use bamboo to produce paper. The origin, development and present status of bamboo papermaking were introduced in this paper. Bamboo papermaking originated in Jin Dynasty of China, it’s handicraft industry developed in Tang and Song Dynasty, and flourished in Ming and Qing Dynasty. Bamboo paper had also made great contributions to social development in modern times. The bamboo pulp and paper industry began after the founding of PRC. Now, bamboo had become an important raw material of China’s paper industry, and bamboo paper had been applied in the field of industry, agriculture, scientific research and daily life, etc. The industry of bamboo pulp and paper in China had been developing very fast in the past years, with the production scale expanded, the cleaner production level improved, and the production benefit increased. Moreover, the development of bamboo pulp and paper industry could alleviate the shortage of papermaking raw materials in China, and promoted the high-quality development of bamboo industry, which had remarkable economic, environmental and social benefits.
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