Preparation of Maleoyl Chitosan and Its Application in Dialysis Paper
关键词:  壳聚糖  马来酸酐  透析纸  物理性能  抗菌性
Key Words:chitosan  maleic anhydride  dialysis paper  physical properties  antibacterial property
左金华 浙江科技学院环境与资源学院浙江杭州310023 310023
章飞洋 浙江科技学院环境与资源学院浙江杭州310023 310023
吴锦涵 浙江科技学院环境与资源学院浙江杭州310023 310023
王慧乐 浙江科技学院环境与资源学院浙江杭州310023 310023
伊财富 浙江恒达新材料股份有限公司浙江衢州324401 324401
赵会芳 浙江科技学院环境与资源学院浙江杭州310023 310023
沙力争* 浙江科技学院环境与资源学院浙江杭州310023 310023
摘要点击次数: 2563
全文下载次数: 1493
摘要:本研究以壳聚糖(CS)和马来酸酐(MA)为主要原料,通过TEMPO氧化法制备马来酰化壳聚糖(MAAC),并将其作为添加剂用于透析纸的制备。探究了CS和MA质量比对MAAC取代度及溶解度的影响,以及MAAC用量对透析纸物理性能、透气性和抗菌性的影响。结果表明,当m(CS)∶m(MA)∶m(TEMPO)=1∶1.0∶0.08时,MAAC的取代度较高且溶解性较好;在中性和碱性条件下,溶液透光率大于80%。当MAAC用量为2.0%时,透析纸的干、湿抗张指数和撕裂指数分别提高了10.0%、96.8%和20.3%,透气度达8.98 µm/(Pa·s),并具有良好的抗菌性。
Abstract:In this study, chitosan (CS) and maleic anhydride (MA) were used as the main raw materials to prepare maleoyl chitosan (MAAC)via TEMPO oxidation. The dialysis paper was prepared with the MAAC as the additives. The effects of the mass ratio of CS and MA on the substitution degree and solubility of the MAAC were studied, and the effects of MAAC dosage on the physical properties, air permeability and antibacterial properties of dialysis paper were also investigated. The results showed that the substitution degree of MAAC was higher and the solubility was better when the mass ratio of CS, MA and TEMPO was 1∶1.0∶0.08, and the light transmittance of the solution was greater than 80% under neutral and alkaline conditions. The dry and wet tensile index and tear index of dialysis paper after adding 2.0% MAAC were increased by 10.0%, 96.8% and 20.3%, respectively. The air permeability of dialysis paper after adding 2.0% MAAC reached 8.98 μm/(Pa·s), with a good antibacterial property.
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