Preparation and Properties of Polyester Ultra-short Fiber-based Sack Paper by Multi-stage Beating Method
关键词:  纸袋纸  透气度  打浆工艺  涤纶超短纤维
Key Words:sack paper  air permeability  beating process  polyester ultra-short fibers
李海秋* 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 510640
杨仁党 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 510640
王建辉 广东盈通纸业有限公司广东江门529000 529000
张志礼* 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室山东济南250353 250353
摘要点击次数: 2582
全文下载次数: 1315
摘要:以中浓、低浓打浆相结合的多段打浆工艺为基础,采用涤纶超短纤维与针叶木浆混抄方法,制备高透气度纸袋纸。结果表明,针叶木浆采用中浓(浆料浓度10%,打浆至18 oSR)+低浓(浆料浓度6%,打浆至20 oSR)两段打浆的方法,所抄纸张各项物理强度性能较佳且透气度可达11.23 μm/(Pa·s)。随着涤纶超短纤维添加量的提高,纸袋纸的孔隙率与透气度随之提高。当涤纶超短纤维添加量为5%~10%时,纸袋纸透气度可达28.13~47.48 μm/(Pa·s),各项物理强度性能均能满足使用要求。
Abstract:Based on the multi-stage beating process with a combination of medium and low consistency beating process, a high permeability sack paper was prepared by blending polyester ultra-short fibers and softwood pulp. The results showed that the paper prepared by the two-stage beating process of medium consistency (pulp consistency of 10%, beating degree of 18 oSR) and low consistency (pulp consistency of 6%, beating degree of 20 oSR) had better physical strength properties with air permeability of 11.23 μm/(Pa·s). With the increase of polyester ultra-short fibers dosage, the porosity and air permeability of sack paper increased. When the dosage of polyester ultra-short fibers was 5%~10%, the air permeability of the sack paper could reach 28.13~47.48 μm/(Pa·s), and all of the physical strength properties could meet the requirements.
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