Progress of Polysaccharide-based Plastics
关键词:  多糖  纤维素  甲壳素  淀粉  生物基塑料
Key Words:polysaccharide  cellulose  chitin  starch  bioplastics
贾思雨* 北京林业大学林木生物质化学北京市重点实验室林木生物质材料与能源教育部 工程研究中心北京100083 100083
饶俊 北京林业大学林木生物质化学北京市重点实验室林木生物质材料与能源教育部 工程研究中心北京100083 100083
吕子文 北京林业大学林木生物质化学北京市重点实验室林木生物质材料与能源教育部 工程研究中心北京100083 100083
闫雪晴 北京林业大学林木生物质化学北京市重点实验室林木生物质材料与能源教育部 工程研究中心北京100083 100083
吴萍 北京林业大学林木生物质化学北京市重点实验室林木生物质材料与能源教育部 工程研究中心北京100083 100083
彭锋 北京林业大学林木生物质化学北京市重点实验室林木生物质材料与能源教育部 工程研究中心北京100083 100083
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Abstract:In order to solve the problem of environmental pollution caused by petroleum-based plastics, the development of bioplastics with degradable properties is a research hotspot. Owing to the characteristics of biodegradability, biocompatibility and antibacterial, natural polysaccharides are ideal raw materials for the preparation of biodegradable plastics. Natural polymer polysaccharides are difficult to directly utilize because of high crystallinity. Meanwhile, the structure of polyhydroxy caused polysaccharide-based materials easily hygroscopic in high humidity environment, resulting in structural damage and performance reduction. Therefore, it is still a great challenge to prepare polysaccharide-based plastics with high performance. The research progress of polysaccharide-based plastics prepared from cellulose, chitin, and starch via molecular engineering and compounding strategies were introduced in this paper, which provided a theoretical basis and research ideas for the development of polysaccharide-based biodegradable plastics in the future.
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