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基于OCC的纤维素纳米纤丝制备及其对废纸造纸增强作用研究 |
OCC-based Cellulose Nanofibril and Its Reinforcing Effect on Recycled Papermaking |
收稿日期:2022-06-24 |
DOI:DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2023.02.003 |
关键词: OCC 高锰酸钾 纤维素纳米纤丝 废纸造纸 白水 |
Key Words:OCC KMnO4 cellulose nanofibril recycled papermaking white water |
基金项目:陕西省专家服务计划(2022WGZJ-11); 中国-中东欧大学联合办学项目(2021099);陕西省重点产业创新链项目(2020ZDLGY11-03);纤维素生物转化中酶/细胞共固定体系的构建及机制研究(20210407)。 |
摘要点击次数: 2428 |
全文下载次数: 1942 |
摘要:采用高锰酸钾氧化预处理废旧箱纸板(OCC),使其达到微纤维分离点,结合轻微的均质处理高效获得OCC基纤维素纳米纤丝(OCNF),得率约为70%。最优条件下制备的OCNF具有良好的纳米尺寸,长径比高达313,Zeta电位-21.0 mV,结晶度为69.23%,OCNF薄膜具有良好的力学性能(应力为44.16 MPa,应变为5.82%,弹性模量为2.55 MPa)及光学性能(透光率约为60%)。添加5% OCNF所抄纸张的抗张指数、撕裂指数及耐折度分别提升了27.74%、40.97%和228.57%。同时,白水的质量也得以大幅改善,浊度、悬浮物、CODCr分别降低了59.10%、48.08%和42.17%。 |
Abstract:Old corrugated container (OCC) was pretreated oxidation by potassium permanganate, reaching the microfiber separation point, then combined with a slight homogenization treatment. The OCC-based cellulose nanofiber (OCNF) was efficiently obtained with a yield of approximate 70%. The OCNF had good nanometer size with the aspect ratio of 313, the Zeta potential was -21.0 mV, and the crystallinity was 69.23%. The OCNF films had good mechanical properties(stress of 44.16 MPa, strain of 5.82%, and elastic modulus of 2.55 MPa) and optical properties (transmittance of approximate 60%). The obtained 5% OCNF was applied to OCC papermaking, and the tensile index, tear resistance index, and folding endurance of recycled paper increased by 27.74%, 40.97%, and 228.57%, respectively. The quality of white water had also been greatly improved, and the turbidity, suspended solids, and CODCr had been reduced by 59.10%, 48.08%, and 42.17%, respectively. |
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