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烟用滤嘴棒功能化改进及填充纸的技术发展 |
Functionalization of Cigarette Filter and Technical Development of Filling Paper |
收稿日期:2022-08-24 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2023.02.013 |
关键词: 醋纤滤嘴棒 纸质滤嘴棒 醋酸纤维纸 植物纤维纸 |
Key Words:acetate filter paper filter acetate paper plant fiber paper |
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摘要点击次数: 2543 |
全文下载次数: 2097 |
摘要:介绍了烟用滤嘴棒常用的填充材料,并进行应用对比;重点综述了滤嘴棒填充纸(如植物纤维纸及醋酸纤维纸)的技术发展与应用,对比常用的醋酸纤维,分析了滤嘴棒填充纸在生产应用时存在的优缺点等;并结合当前市场,分析未来醋酸纸滤嘴棒的发展前景、所需改进的工艺及增香、保润、降焦减害等功能化研究方向。 |
Abstract:The commonly used filler materials for paper cigarette filter were introduced in this paper, focused on the technical development and application of filler paper for cigarette filter (such as paper prepared from plant fiber and acetate paper), the commonly used acetate fiber was compared, the advantages and disadvantages of filler paper for paper cigarette filter in production applications were analyzed. Combined with the current market, prospects, processes to be improved and functionalization like fragrance enhancement, moisture retention, tar reduction and harm reduction for acetate fiber paper for paper cigarette filter were investigated. |
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