Effect of Calcination Temperature and Holding Time on Characteristics of Thermal Decomposition Products of Waste Paper Sludge
关键词:  煅烧条件  废纸造纸污泥  矿物成分  微观形貌  理化性质
Key Words:calcination condition  waste paper sludge  mineral composition  microscopic morphology  physical and chemical properties
彭天祥* 河南理工大学土木工程学院河南焦作454003 454003
龚健 河南理工大学土木工程学院河南焦作454003 454003
董一丰 河南理工大学土木工程学院河南焦作454003 454003
苏洲虎 河南理工大学土木工程学院河南焦作454003 454003
张程鑫 河南理工大学土木工程学院河南焦作454003 454003
摘要点击次数: 1933
全文下载次数: 1221
摘要:为提高废纸造纸污泥的资源化利用效率,选取郑州市某造纸厂废纸造纸污泥为实验原料,采用热分析-质谱联用仪(TA-MS)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等现代仪器进行表征,探究煅烧温度和保温时间对废纸造纸污泥热分解产物特性的影响规律。结果表明,废纸造纸污泥的热分解过程主要分为水分析出、有机物分解、高岭石转化和碳酸钙分解4个质量损失阶段;废纸造纸污泥的主要矿物成分为方解石、石英和高岭石,提高煅烧温度和延长保温时间有利于提高方解石的结晶度;与未煅烧样品相比,煅烧温度550 ℃时的废纸造纸污泥灰的碳含量降低约30%,煅烧温度850 ℃时的污泥灰的碳含量降低约85%,保温时间8 h时的污泥灰的碳含量降低约44%;适量掺入废纸造纸污泥灰有助于提高水泥胶凝体系的活性。
Abstract:In order to improve the resource utilization efficiency of waste paper sludge, waste paper sludge from the paper mill in Zhengzhou was selected as the experimental raw material. Thermal analysis-mass spectrometry instrument (TA-MS), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and other modern instruments were used for characterization. The effects of calcination temperature and holding time on the characteristics of thermal decomposition products of waste paper sludge were investigated. The results showed that the thermal decomposition process of waste paper sludges was mainly divided into four mass loss stages: water precipitation, organic matter decomposition, kaolinite conversion, and calcium carbonate decomposition. The main mineral components of waste paper sludges were calcite, quartz, and kaolinite. Increasing calcination temperature and prolonging holding time were beneficial to improve the crystallinity of calcite. Compared with the uncalcined sample, the carbon content of the sludge ash of waste paper papermaking at 550 ℃ was reduced by appropriate 30%, the carbon content of the sludge ash at 850 ℃ was reduced by appropriate 85%, and the carbon content of the sludge ash at 8 h was reduced by appropriate 44%. Appropriate amount of mixing waste paper sludge ash was helpful to improve the activity of cement cementitious system.
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