Preparation of Waterborne Acrylate Oil-resistant Agent for Food Packaging and Its Application
关键词:  防油剂  水性丙烯酸酯  食品包装  无氟  再制浆
Key Words:oil-resistant agent  waterborne acrylate  food packaging  fluorine-free  repulping
魏鑫鑫* 长沙理工大学化学化工学院湖南长沙410114 410114
王玉珑 长沙理工大学化学化工学院湖南长沙410114 410114
戴洋 长沙理工大学化学化工学院湖南长沙410114 410114
李玉林 长沙理工大学化学化工学院湖南长沙410114 410114
胡可信 长沙理工大学化学化工学院湖南长沙410114 410114
匡奕山 长沙理工大学化学化工学院湖南长沙410114 410114
史梦华 岳阳林纸股份有限公司湖南岳阳414002 414002
董超 岳阳林纸股份有限公司湖南岳阳414002 414002
刘春景 岳阳林纸股份有限公司湖南岳阳414002 414002
李丹 岳阳林纸股份有限公司湖南岳阳414002 414002
吴学勋 湖南瑞福尼新材料科技有限公司湖南长沙410221 410221
摘要点击次数: 2740
全文下载次数: 1792
摘要:以淀粉、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、丙烯酸丁酯和甲基丙烯酸为主要原料,通过自由基聚合法进行接枝共聚制备了水性丙烯酸酯无氟防油剂,对其化学结构、粒径、Zeta电位和成膜性进行了分析。将水性丙烯酸酯防油剂涂布在原纸上制得食品包装用防油纸,对防油纸的动态油接触角、防油防水性能、耐高温性能、抗冷冻性能和再制浆性能进行了研究。结果表明,合成的水性丙烯酸酯防油剂粒径分布均匀,稳定性良好,平均粒径和Zeta电位分别为254.2 nm和-39.74 mV;防油剂可赋予纸张优良的防油性和防水性,当涂布量为7.5 g/m2时,防油等级可达10.2级,Cobb值从原纸的24.2 g/m2降低至1.9 g/m2;且防油纸具有良好的耐高温性能、抗冷冻性能和可再制浆性能。
Abstract:The fluorine-free oil-resistant agent was prepared through free radical polymerization method, with starch, methyl methacrylate, butyl acrylate and methacrylic acid as raw materials. The chemical structure, particle size, Zeta potential and film-forming properties of the prepared oil-resistant agent were analyzed. Oil-resistant paper for food packaging was prepared by coating waterborne acrylate oil-resistant agent onto base paper, and its dynamic oil contact angle, oil- and water- resistance, high temperature resistance, freezing resistance and repulping performance were studied. The results showed that the synthesized waterborne acrylate oil-resistant agent had uniform particle size distribution and good stability, with average particle size of 254.2 nm and Zeta potential of -39.74 mV. The oil-resistant agent could endow the base paper good oil- and water-resistance. When the coating amount was 7.5 g/m2, the oil resistance could reach 10.2 grade, and the Cobb value decreased from 24.2 g/m2 to 1.9 g/m2 compared with the base paper. Furthermore, the oil-resistant paper had good high temperature resistance, freezing resistance, and repulping performance.
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