Application Research of Regional Feature Correlation Packaging Color Based on Multi-source Data and K-means Clustering
关键词:  中央大街  地域特征  历史街区  纸质包装
Key Words:Zhongyang Street  regional characteristic  historic district  paper packaging
苗明瑞* 东北林业大学园林学院黑龙江哈尔滨150060 150060
熊京华 黑龙江大学艺术学院黑龙江哈尔滨150080 150080
冯律航* 黑龙江大学艺术学院黑龙江哈尔滨150080 150080
许大为 东北林业大学园林学院黑龙江哈尔滨150060 150060
摘要点击次数: 2034
全文下载次数: 2092
Abstract:Taking the scenic spot of Harbin Zhongyang Street as the research object, OSM open source map platform, Baidu API platform, ArcGIS10.6 platform and Python platform were used to obtain data. DeepLabV3+ model under Matlab platform was used to perform semantic segmentation on the obtained street images. Using the HSB color space as the model benchmark, the K-means clustering algorithm drew the color scatter clustering model, color continuity simulation model and fragment color clustering model to visualize and analyze the Zhongyang Street scenic spot, and put forward the color application suggestions of regional characteristics associated paper packaging design. The multi-source data combined with K-means clustering method could complete the paper packaging color extraction and application of strategy formulation relatively fast, accurately and scientifically in a short period of time. The results reflected the regional cultural packaging local characteristics, enhanced the recognition of regional characteristics packaging which helped to achieve regional characteristic associated paper packaging color scheme optimization, and provided reference for paper packaging color application.
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