Effect of Damage and Indentation on the Compressive Strength of Corrugated Cartons
关键词:  瓦楞纸箱  空箱抗压  破损  压痕  仿真分析
Key Words:c orrugated carton  empty box compression  damage  indentation  simulation analysis
贾伟萍 湖北中烟有限责任公司湖北武汉430040 430040
刘文婷 湖北中烟有限责任公司湖北武汉430040 430040
王波 湖北中烟有限责任公司湖北武汉430040 430040
吴凯 湖北中烟有限责任公司湖北武汉430040 430040
黄轲 湖北中烟有限责任公司湖北武汉430040 430040
李陈巧 湖北中烟有限责任公司湖北武汉430040 430040
吴飞* 武汉理工大学湖北武汉430070 430070
摘要点击次数: 1955
全文下载次数: 1343
摘要:本研究将瓦楞纸箱的多种破损和压痕分别等效成一种状态,将具有不同表面破损及压痕的瓦楞纸箱进行空箱抗压实验,同时采用有限元分析方法验证瓦楞纸箱模型的准确性;对实验数据及仿真数据进行对比分析,研究破损直径、压痕长度与瓦楞纸箱抗压强度的关系,以得到瓦楞纸箱的变形规律,为瓦楞纸箱循环使用时的快速检测提供依据。结果表明,不同破损直径、压痕长度对瓦楞纸箱的抗压强度有不同影响,当破损直径>110 mm或压痕长度>100 mm时,瓦楞纸箱的抗压强度小于初始抗压强度的90%;当破损直径<110 mm或压痕长度<100 mm时,对瓦楞纸箱抗压强度影响不大,通过对瓦楞纸箱进行一定的修补掩饰破损或压痕后可循环使用。
Abstract:In this study, multiple breaks and indentations of corrugated cartons were equated into one state, and corrugated cartons with different damage and indentations were subjected to empty box compressive tests. Finite element analysis was used to verify the accuracy of the model of corrugated cartons, and the experimental data and simulation data were compared and analyzed to investigate the relationship between damage diameter, indentation length and compressive strength of corrugated cartons, in order to obtain the deformation pattern of corrugated cartons and provide a basis for rapid testing when corrugated cartons were recycled. The results showed that different damage diameters and indentation lengths had different effects on the compressive strength of corrugated cartons. When the damage diameter was greater than 110 mm or the indentation length was greater than 100 mm, the compressive strength of corrugated cartons was less than 90% of the initial compressive strength. When the diameter of the damage was less than 110 mm or the length of the indentation was less than 100 mm, the compressive strength of the corrugated cartons was not significantly affected. It could be reused by repairing the corrugated cartons to cover up the damage or indentation.
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