Effect of Enhanced Pre-impregnation on the Pulping Properties of Chemical-mechanical Pulping with Air-dried Eucalyptus Wood Chips
关键词:  化学机械浆  风干桉木片  预浸渍  制浆性能
Key Words:chemical-mechanical pulp  air-dried eucalyptus wood chips  pre-impregnation  pulping properties
周雪林 宁波亚洲浆纸业有限公司浙江宁波315803 315803
韩善明* 中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所江苏南京210042 210042
焦健 中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所江苏南京210042 210042
邓拥军 中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所江苏南京210042 210042
房桂干 中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所江苏南京210042 210042
摘要点击次数: 1937
全文下载次数: 1198
摘要:预浸渍药液难以均匀渗透风干木片是目前我国阔叶木化学机械浆生产线存在的共性问题。本研究提出在完成常规预浸渍后增加一段机械揉搓和化学浸渍的方案来改善风干木片的预浸渍效果。对比研究了目前主流化机浆生产流程和强化预浸渍流程的制浆工艺和成浆特性。结果表明,强化预浸渍方案可以有效排除风干桉木片中的疏水性有机沉积物,实现预浸渍段化学品的均质渗透,有效降低磨浆能耗(制备加拿大标准游离度300 mL浆样,磨浆能耗降低260 kWh/t);可制备出相对较高松厚度、较高强度的优质化机浆(纸浆松厚度为3.50 cm3/g,抗张强度为21.1 N·m/g)。
Abstract:The difficulty of uniform impregnation of air-dried market wood chips is a common problem in hardwood chemical mechanical pulp production lines in China. In this study, the additional stage of mechanical and chemical treatment after the conventional impregnation had been proposed to improve the impregnation of air-dried wood chips. The pulping process and pulp characteristics of current conventional chemical-mechanical pulp production processes and those of enhanced pre-impregnation processes were compared. In the enhanced pre-impregnation process, the water-repellent organic deposits in the air-dried wood chips were effectively eliminated, the homogeneous penetration of the chemicals was achieved accordingly, which not only reduced energy consumption(260 kWh/t reduction for a pulp sample with CSF 300 mL) but also improved the quality of the pulp product with higher bulk(3.50 cm3/g) and higher tensile strength (21.1 N·m/g).
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