Research on the Path of Typical Forset-Pulp-Paper Integobed Enterprises to Create “Zero Carbon” Factories
关键词:  造纸行业  林浆纸一体化企业  “零碳”工厂
Key Words:paper industry  forest-pulp-paper integration enterprise  “zero carbon” factories
侯雅楠 北京市科学技术研究院资源环境研究所北京100089 100089
张亮 北京市科学技术研究院资源环境研究所北京100089 100089
贾学桦 北京市科学技术研究院资源环境研究所北京100089 100089
柴晨星* 北京市科学技术研究院资源环境研究所北京100089 100089
江澜 北京市科学技术研究院资源环境研究所北京100089 100089
摘要点击次数: 2076
全文下载次数: 1311
Abstract:Paper industry faces with challenges that achieving “double carbon” target besides expanding production. Enterprise is the elementary unit of industry,the “zero carbon” construction of enterprises will play a leading role in the industrial field.Based on the analysis of the typical “zero carbon” factory creation at home and abroad, and the natural green attribute of paper industry, studied on the advantages of creating “zero carbon” factories in typical forest-pulp-paper integration enterprises. The measures were proposed to optimize energy structure, adopt energy saving and carbon reduction measures, improve the energy utilization efficiency, strengthen intelligent management, study and apply the new energy saving and carbon reduction technology. The case studies showed that the forest-pulp-paper integration enterprise could achieve the goal of “zero carbon” factories, and had negative carbon emission potential also.
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