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光催化氧化-生物降解直接耦合处理桉木化机浆废水的研究 |
Study on the Treatment of Eucalyptus Chemi-mechanical Pulp Wastewater by Intimately Coupled Photocatalysis Oxidation and Biodegradation |
收稿日期:2023-05-18 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2023.08.016 |
关键词: 桉木化机浆 废水 脱毒 光催化 生物降解 |
Key Words:eucalyptus chemi-mechanical pulp wastewater detoxification photocatalysis biodegradation |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2022YFC2105505);广西清洁化制浆与污染控制重点实验室基金(2021KF13)。 |
摘要点击次数: 1633 |
全文下载次数: 1115 |
摘要:本研究探讨了桉木化机浆厌氧废水催化脱毒-微生物协同增效和Fenton高级氧化处理性能,对光催化氧化-生物降解直接耦合法(ICPB)处理桉木化机浆厌氧废水效率、微生物菌落结构和机理进行了研究。结果表明,桉木化机浆废水的生化处理效果较差;ICPB法中光催化氧化和微生物降解具有良好的协同作用,可显著提高桉木化机浆废水好氧处理效果并降低深度处理过程中Fenton试剂用药量,好氧处理过程中废水CODCr去除率由46.7%提高至74.3%;ICPB体系中微生物的多样性和丰富度增加,降解芳香族化合物的优势菌种显著增加。 |
Abstract:In this paper, the anaerobic wastewater from eucalyptus chemical-mechanical pulp using intimately coupled photocatalysis and biodegradation (ICPB) and Fenton oxidation treatment was explored, and the efficiency, microbial colony structure, and mechanism of ICPB for treating eucalyptus chemical mechanical pulp anaerobic wastewater were studied. The results showed that the biochemical treatment effect of eucalyptus pulping wastewater was poor. ICPB method could significantly improve the aerobic treatment effect of eucalyptus chemi-mechanical pulp wastewater and reduce the dosage of Fenton reagent in the advanced treatment process, which was due to the synergistic effect between photocatalytic oxidation and microbial degradation. The CODCr removal of wastewater in the aerobic treatment process increases from 46.7% to 74.3%. The diversity and richness of microorganisms in ICPB system increased, and the dominant bacteria degrading aromatic compounds increased significantly. |
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