Study on Preparation and Properties of New Hydrogen Peroxide Stabilizer
关键词:  聚合物  稳定剂  过氧化氢  漂白
Key Words:polymers  stabilizer  hydrogen peroxide  bleaching
周宛欣 西安石油大学化学化工学院陕西西安710065 710065
叶文馨 西安石油大学化学化工学院陕西西安710065 710065
杨涛 西安石油大学化学化工学院陕西西安710065 710065
李森森 西安石油大学化学化工学院陕西西安710065 710065
唐璇* 西安石油大学化学化工学院陕西西安710065 710065
成西涛 陕西省石油化工研究设计院陕西西安710054 710054
摘要点击次数: 1741
全文下载次数: 1083
摘要:本研究以马来酸-丙烯酸共聚物(MA-AA)为主体稳定剂,与螯合型助剂复合,制备了新型过氧化氢(H2O2)稳定剂,通过测定新型H2O2稳定剂对金属离子的螯合值、H2O2分解率及进行化机浆H2O2漂白实验,研究新型H2O2稳定剂对H2O2漂白的稳定性能,并与进口稳定剂进行比较。结果表明,新型H2O2稳定剂对Fe3+、Mg2+、Mn2+、Ca2+的螯合能力分别达262.3、105.2、141.4、160.3 mg/g;在模拟国内4个地区水质中不同金属离子含量条件下,新型H2O2稳定剂能够有效抑制H2O2分解,具有与进口产品相当的稳定能力。在纸浆漂白工艺条件下,新型H2O2稳定剂在低用量时,对桉木化机浆、杨木化机浆、蔗渣化机浆和芦苇化机浆的漂白均有良好的稳定效果。
Abstract:A new hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) stabilizer was prepared by using maleic acid-acrylic acid copolymer (MA-AA) as the main stabilizer and compounded with chelating co-stabilizer. The stability of the composite stabilizer for H2O2 bleaching was studied by measuring the chelating ability of metal ions, the decomposition rate of H2O2 and the H2O2 bleaching experiment of chemi-mechanical pulp, and the performance of the composite stabilizer was compared with that of the imported stabilizer. The results showed that the chelating capacity of Fe3+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Ca2+of the new H2O2 stabilizer reached 262.3, 105.2, 141.4, 160.3 mg/g, respectively. Under the condition of simulating the different metal ion contents in the water of four regions in China, the new H2O2 stabilizer could effectively inhibit the decomposition of H2O2, and had the same stability ability as the imported products. Under the condition of industrial pulp bleaching process, the compound stabilizer had good bleaching effect on eucalyptus, poplar, bagasse, and reed chemi-mechanical pulp at low dosage.
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