Surface Permeability of High Porosity Plug Wrap Paper and Its Effect on Adhesive Property of Central Line Adhesive
关键词:  高透成型纸  渗透性  中线胶  粘合性能  接触角
Key Words:high porosity plug wrap paper  permeability  central line adhesive  adhesive property  contact angle
吕萱 张家口卷烟厂有限责任公司 河北张家口075000 075000
李自娟 张家口卷烟厂有限责任公司 河北张家口075000 075000
王佳 张家口卷烟厂有限责任公司 河北张家口075000 075000
赵海洋 张家口卷烟厂有限责任公司 河北张家口075000 075000
陈娇娇 张家口卷烟厂有限责任公司 河北张家口075000 075000
孙朔 张家口卷烟厂有限责任公司 河北张家口075000 075000
李洁 张家口卷烟厂有限责任公司 河北张家口075000 075000
赫婉莹 天津科技大学轻工科学与工程学院天津300457 300457
王高升 天津科技大学轻工科学与工程学院天津300457 300457
张正健 天津科技大学轻工科学与工程学院天津300457 300457
王玉峰* 天津科技大学轻工科学与工程学院天津300457 300457
摘要点击次数: 1022
全文下载次数: 833
Abstract:In order to study the causes of adverse problems with poor adhesion performance between high porosity plug wrap paper and filter rod, the structure and characteristics of high porosity plug wrap paper were analyzed, the permeability on the surface of high porosity plug wrap paper was studied by dynamic contact angle method, and the effect of permeability on adhesive property of central line adhesive was also discussed. The results showed that the high porosity plug wrap paper had a low density, no obvious fiber splitting, a large number of pores between the fibers, and strong permeability of water on its surface. The permeability of central line adhesive on the surface of high porosity plug wrap paper was very different from that of water. The viscosity was the main factor affecting the permeability of central line adhesive. The viscosity was lower, the penetration was faster. The permeability of the central line adhesive on the surface of the high porosity plug wrap paper was closely related to the bonding effect. The viscosity of the central line adhesive was higher, the high porosity plug wrap paper had the better the bonding effect. However, different central line adhesives had different optimal opening time, beyond which the problem of poor bonding would occur.
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