Research on Structure Optimization of Coating Machine Oven Air Nozzle Based on Response Surface Method
关键词:  涂布机烘箱  风嘴  有限元  响应面法  结构优化
Key Words:coating machine oven  air nozzle  finite element  response surface method  structure optimization
孙玉香 西安理工大学印刷包装与数字媒体学院陕西西安710048 710048
侯和平* 西安理工大学印刷包装与数字媒体学院陕西西安710048 710048
邝沿 西安理工大学印刷包装与数字媒体学院陕西西安710048 710048
刘善慧 西安理工大学印刷包装与数字媒体学院陕西西安710048 710048
雷晓明 渭南正奇印刷包装机械有限公司陕西渭南714000 714000
摘要点击次数: 627
全文下载次数: 632
Abstract:In order to improve the drying characteristics of the coating machine oven, this study was carried out on the nozzle structure and its nearby areas to analyze the interaction effect of the nozzle multi-structural parameters on the internal flow field characteristics. With the help of finite element analysis and response surface method, the mathematical regression model of flow field characteristics under the interaction of multi-structural parameters of the nozzle in the oven was established ,based on which the optimization of the nozzle structure was carried out, and the optimization results were compared with the simulation values to verify the accuracy of the regression model .The results showed that the regression model of the flow field response value of the nozzle with multiple structural parameters had a good fitting degree. The error between the predicted value and the simulation experimental value of the three groups of response values of the substrate temperature, the substrate surface wind speed, and the substrate pressure were less than 3%, which could describe the change law of the local flow field characteristics of the nozzle well.
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