Design and Implementation of Magnetic Levitation Fan Intercontrol System Based on Modbus Communication
关键词:  磁悬浮风机  Modbus通信  PLC  HMI  TCMS  有人云
Key Words:magnetic levitation fan  Modbus communication  PLC  HMI  TCMS  human technology cloud
杨波 中车大连机车研究所有限公司,辽宁大连,116082 116082
卢祺 中国铁路北京局集团有限公司,北京,100089 100089
刘皓月 中车大连机车研究所有限公司,辽宁大连,116082 116082
李哲睿 中车大连机车研究所有限公司,辽宁大连,116082 116082
曾磊 中车大连机车研究所有限公司,辽宁大连,116082 116082
摘要点击次数: 633
全文下载次数: 563
摘要:随着环保政策的日趋严格,各发电企业不断推进烟气脱硫项目的技术升级,更高效、节能的磁悬浮鼓风机正逐步取代传统的罗茨鼓风机。本课题以山西某发电厂磁悬浮风机项目为例,介绍了基于PLC、HMI、TCMS和有人云的主从线程关系,利用Modbus通信对3台变风量的磁悬浮风机进行联控。通过远程监控、远程数据下载、远程操控的一体化平台,实现设备智能运维,降低了人工干预对设备运行的影响。经过 168 h的试验验证,磁悬浮风机系统耗电量与传统鼓风机耗电量相比,可节约能耗14.5%。
Abstract:With the increasingly strict environmental protection policies, the power generation enterprises continue to promote the technical upgrading of flue gas desulfurization projects, and the more efficient and energy-saving magnetic levitation blower is gradually replacing the traditional Roots blower. Taking the magnetic levitation fan project of a power plant in Shanxi province as the background, based on the master-slave thread relationship of PLC, HMI, TCMS and human technology cloud, Modbus communication to control three magnetic levitation fans with variable air volume were introduced in this paper. Through the integrated platform of remote monitoring, remote data download and remote control, the intelligent operation and maintenance of equipment were realized, which reduced the impact of manual intervention on the operation of equipment. After 168 h test verification, the power consumption of the magnetic levitation fan system could be saved by 14.5% compared with that of the traditional blowe.
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