Modeling and Tension Control Based on an Improved LADRC for the Unwind Side Accumulator in Roll-to-roll Equipment
关键词:  纸张涂布  卷对卷  储料架  改进LADRC  张力控制
Key Words:paper coating  roll-to-roll  accumulator  improved LADRC  tension control
巨国力 西安理工大学陕西西安710054 710054
刘善慧* 西安理工大学陕西西安710054 710054
冯磊 陕西北人印刷机械责任有限公司陕西渭南714000 714000
李引峰 陕西北人印刷机械责任有限公司陕西渭南714000 714000
赵文辉 西安理工大学陕西西安710054 710054
摘要点击次数: 557
全文下载次数: 488
Abstract:The tension control issue of the paper within the unwinding side accumulator of roll-to-roll coating equipment was addressed in this paper. Firstly, a tension coupling mode for the paper within the accumulator, as well as dynamic modes for input-output rollers and carriage, and a thrust mode for the ball screw were established. Subsequently, by integrating genetic algorithms (GA) and the Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control (LADRC) controller, an improved LADRC controller was designed to achieve parameters self-tuning of the LADRC controller and to address issues such as insufficient control precision and poor robustness of traditional proportional-integral-derivative(PID) controllers. Finally, simulation experiments were conducted based on the established modes and designed controllers. The experiments focused on the parameters tuning performance of the improved LADRC controller and the tension control performance of the paper within the accumulator. The results demonstrated that the designed improved LADRC controller could achieve parameters self-tuning and hare better tension control performance compared to traditional PID controllers, meeting the tension control requirements for paper coating manufacturing within the unwinding side accumulator.
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