Scientific Restoration and Color Labeling of the Portrait of Empress Xiaozhe Yi of the Qing Dynasty
关键词:  孝哲毅皇后  清皇后像稿  标注  修复
Key Words:Empress Xiaozhe Yi  preliminary sketch of empress’s portrait  symbols  restoration
时倩 故宫博物院北京100009 100009
摘要点击次数: 380
全文下载次数: 262
Abstract:The painters at Qing Imperial Workshop created the preliminary sketch of Empress Xiaozhe Yi’s portrait by the ink line outline, with a brief color text or irregular color block in the corresponding area of the label. The paper used in preliminary sketch was rendered on a composite of multiple small sheets of paper, the material and splicing method had a certain degree of specificity, so that it was different from the conventional emperor and empress like cultural relics restoration. Utilizing modern technology to analyze the thickness, fibers, and color of the original paper for restoration, aiming to provide a reference for the scientific restoration of similar artifacts. Furthermore, based on restoration, combined with the original portrait of Empress Xiaozhe Yi’s court dress, a preliminary study of the text and symbols labeled in the portrait.
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