Study on Enzymatic Hydrolysis Improvement of Corn Stalk with Polyol-based Ternary DES Pretreatment
关键词:  玉米秸秆  低共熔溶剂  预处理  酶解性能  多元醇
Key Words:corn stalk  deep eutectic solvent  pretreatment  enzymatic hydrolysis  polyol
许慧敏 山东世纪阳光纸业集团有限公司山东潍坊262400 262400
左一兰 北京林业大学林木生物质化学北京市重点实验室北京100083 100083
李海潮 北京林业大学林木生物质化学北京市重点实验室北京100083 100083
许凤* 北京林业大学林木生物质化学北京市重点实验室北京100083 100083
摘要点击次数: 315
全文下载次数: 85
Abstract:Effects of novel polyol-based deep eutectic solvent (DES) pretreatment on corn stalk components, surface morphology, polymerization degree (DP) of cellulose, and enzymatic efficiency were investigated. The results showed that polyol-based DES pretreatment could efficiently remove hemicellulose and acid insoluble lignin (AIL) from corn stalk and retain cellulose, but there was no positive correlation between the carbon chain length of polyol and pretreatment performance. Choline chloride/1,4-butanediol/4-hydroxy benzenesulfonic acid was the optimum polyol-based DES system, removing nearly 100% hemicellulose and 98% AIL, but saving 84% cellulose and DP=894. The surface of pretreated corn stalk was rough, porous, and no deposited lignin and pseudo-lignin particles. The corresponding enzymatic efficiency was as high as 94.80%, which was 5.9 times higher than that of raw corn stalk. In summary, the polyol-based DES pretreatment could greatly enhance the enzymatic performance by reducing cellulose DP, removing hemicellulose and AIL, and simultaneously inhibiting lignin redeposition and improving the surface roughness of corn stalk.
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