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生物质发泡材料阻燃性能的研究进展 |
Research Progress of Flame Retardant Properties of Biomass Foam Materials |
收稿日期:2024-06-04 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2024.12.005 |
关键词: 生物质材料 发泡材料 阻燃剂 阻燃材料 |
Key Words:biomass materials foam materials flame retardant flame retardant materials |
基金项目:陕西省教育厅重点科研计划(20JY051);宿州市重大科技专项(SZKJXM202211);陕西省教育厅重点实验室科研计划项目(19JS053)。 |
摘要点击次数: 244 |
全文下载次数: 93 |
摘要:近年来,具有良好可降解性能及缓冲性能的生物质发泡材料在包装行业得到广泛使用。然而,生物质材料大多属于易燃物,生物质发泡材料的阻燃性能的提升正在受到行业的关注。目前,制备阻燃生物质发泡材料所使用的阻燃剂类型主要包括生物基阻燃剂、反应型阻燃剂、膨胀型阻燃剂、无机阻燃剂等。本文综述了各类阻燃生物质发泡材料的最新阻燃设计及其阻燃性能改善情况,提出了应对阻燃生物质发泡材料未来发展挑战的建议,旨在为阻燃生物质发泡材料的研究提供参考。 |
Abstract:In recent years, biomass foam materials with good degradable properties and cushioning properties have been widely used in the packaging industry. However, most of the biomass materials are flammable. Thus, the improvement of the flame retardant function of biomass foam materials is attracting the attention of the industry. At present, the types of flame retardants used in flame retardant biomass foam materials mainly include bio-based flame retardants, reactive flame retardants, intumescent flame retardants, inorganic flame retardants, etc. In this paper, the latest flame retardant design and the improvement of flame retardant performance of various flame retardant biomass foam materials were reviewed, and suggestions for the future development of flame retardant biomass foam materials were put forward, which provided a reference for the research of flame retardant biomass foam materials. |
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