Study on the Effects of Cationic Starch/Nanocellulose Composite System Sizing on the Properties of Paper
关键词:  纳米纤维素  阳离子淀粉  食品包装纸  机械性能  阻隔性能
Key Words:nanocellulose  cationic starch  food packaging paper  mechanical properties  barrier properties
奎明红* 广东冠豪高新技术股份有限公司广东湛江524072
广东冠豪新材料研发有限 公司广东广州511400 
文辉 广东冠豪高新技术股份有限公司广东湛江524072
广东冠豪新材料研发有限 公司广东广州511400 
马洪生 广东冠豪新材料研发有限 公司广东广州511400
王斌 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院广东广州510640 510640
摘要点击次数: 257
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摘要:构建阳离子淀粉(CS)和纳米纤维素(NC)的CS/NC复合体系,探索其在食品软包材料中的应用价值。本研究选取打浆度24 °SR针叶木浆和打浆度36 °SR阔叶木浆作为基纸原料,系统研究了浆内/表面施胶CS/NC复合体系对纸张性能的影响。将CS/NC复合体系用于基纸的浆内施胶,当CS添加量为1.0%(相对于绝干浆,以下同)、纤维素纳米纤丝(J-CNF)添加量0.6%时,纸张的抗张指数和撕裂指数分别达68.6 N·m/g和7.79 mN·m2/g,相较于基纸分别提高14.1%和18.8%。将CS/NC复合体系用于基纸的表面施胶,胶料固含量为6.5%(J-CNC∶CS=1∶9,质量比)时,施胶纸张透气度下降值达99.4%;单面施胶量为6 g/m2时,施胶纸张防油等级可达12级。
Abstract:Cationic starch (CS) and nanocellulose (NC) were used to construct an CS/NC composite system to explore its application value in food soft packaging materials. In this study, softwood pulp and hardwood pulp with beating degrees of 24 and 36 °SR, respectively, were selected as base paper raw materials. A systematic study was conducted on the effects of intra-slurry/surface sizing the CS/NC composite system on the properties of paper. When the CS/NC composite system was applied in intra-slurry sizing, CS was added at a mass fraction of 1.0% (relative to the oven dry fiber weight, hereafter) with cellulose nanofibers (J-CNF) of 0.6%, the tensile index and tearing index of the handmade sheet reached 68.6 N·m/g and 7.79 mN·m²/g, respectively, representing increases of 14.1% and 18.8% compared to the base paper. When the CS/NC composite system was applied in surface sizing, the air permeability of sized paper decreased by 99.4% at cement solid content 6.5%, with a mass ratio cellulose nanocrystal (J-CNC) to CS of 1∶9. Additionally, when the amount of single-sided sizing was 6 g/m², the oil-proof grade of sized paper achieved grade 12.
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