Heat Value Evaluation and Production Application of Black Liquor by Mixed Hardwood Kraft Pulping
关键词:  阔叶木  KP法制浆  黑液  热值
Key Words:hardwood  kraft pulping  black liquor  heat value
郭彩虹 海南金海浆纸业有限公司海南洋浦578101 578101
杨泽广* 海南金海浆纸业有限公司海南洋浦578101 578101
李树木 海南金海浆纸业有限公司海南洋浦578101 578101
刘海云 海南金海浆纸业有限公司海南洋浦578101 578101
摘要点击次数: 251
全文下载次数: 78
摘要:采用我国南方硫酸盐制浆厂常用的7种阔叶木木片进行实验室硫酸盐制浆(KP)蒸煮,通过调节蒸煮用碱量,控制浆料卡伯值约为18,分析蒸煮后的黑液组分并评估各树种单位木片黑液回收热值(Q),探讨了混合蒸煮单位木片黑液回收热值的加权实验值(QS)与工业生产黑液回收热值实测值(QN)之间的线性回归关系,并建立相关预测模型。结果表明,海南桉木和澳洲蓝桉Q值最高,分别为490和468 kcal/kg;越南相思Q值最低,仅为157 kcal/kg;其他树种Q值范围在244~304 kcal/kg。得到QNy)与QSx)函数关系y=0.672x-121.41,运用模型对新树种生产制浆黑液性质进行预测,预测结果误差<5 kcal/kg,表明该模型可用于预测工业生产中混合阔叶木蒸煮黑液的燃烧热值。
Abstract:7 types of hardwood chips commonly used in sulfate pulp mills in southern China were cooked by laboratory kraft pulping (KP) process. The various hardwood chips were cooked to Kappa value about 18 by KP. Analysis the components and recoverable heat energy from black liquor of per unit of wood(Q) of black liquor. Analysis the linear regression relationship between the weighted experimental value(QS)and production measurement(QN) of recoverable heat value of black liquor under mixed cooking conditions, and a relevant prediction model was established. The results showed that the Q values of Hainan eucalyptus and Australian eucalyptus globulus were the highest, reaching 490 kcal/kg and 468 kcal/kg, respectively, Q value of Vietnamese acacia was the lowest, only 157 kcal/kg, other Q value of tree species ranged from 244~304 kcal/kg. The functional relationship between QN y) and QSx) was obtained as y = 0.672x-121.41. Using the model to predict the black liquor properties of the new raw material, the error of the prediction result was less than 5 kcal/kg, indicating that the model could be used to predict the heat value of the black liquor obtained from the KP process of mixed hardwood chips in industrial production.
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