Methodology Research on Paper Breaking Fault Diagnosis Based on Transfer Learning
关键词:  迁移学习  断纸  故障诊断  方法研究  工况
Key Words:transfer learning  paper breaking  fault diagnosis  methodology research  working condition
宋理敏 山西机电职业技术学院山西长治046011 046011
高贵军* 太原理工大学机械与运载学院山西太原030024 030024
何正磊 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 510640
摘要点击次数: 207
全文下载次数: 76
Abstract:Aiming at the shortage of paper breaking fault marker data and the difficulty of reusing fault diagnosis modeling due to the frequent switching of production conditions, this paper proposed a modeling method of paper breaking fault migration model based on parameters and features, respectively. By analyzing the data distribution characteristics of quantitative setpoints and their strongly correlated variables, the basic working conditions of industrial data were divided. The reliability of the working condition division was verified by the evaluation of Mahalanobis distance and multi-core maximum mean difference equidistance function. Based on the divided working condition data, the paper breaking fault model established according to the working condition with more effective paper breaking fault data was transferred to the working condition with missing data. The results showed that the established fault diagnosis transfer model could achieve 98.3%, 94.6%, and 96.4% diagnostic accuracy in different working conditions, respectively, which improved the universality of the model and promoted the wider and more accurate fault diagnosis for different papermaking processes.
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