Empirical Modeling of Ozone Bleaching of Low Consistency Pulp
关键词:  阔叶木浆  臭氧漂白  低浓纸浆  臭氧用量  经验模型
Key Words:hardwood pulp  ozone bleaching  low consistency pulp  ozone consumption  empirical model
陈霞1 1. 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
刘明友1,* 1. 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
乐飞2 2. 江苏康尔臭氧有限公司江苏镇江212212 
李劲松3 3. 牡丹江恒丰纸业股份有限公司黑龙江牡丹江157013 
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摘要:以臭氧(O3)用量作为自变量,纸浆卡伯值(K)、黏度和白度为响应值,研究了臭氧用量对纸浆漂白性能的影响,结果表明,臭氧最佳用量为0.77%,此时漂白后纸浆卡伯值、黏度、白度分别为8.1、658.4 mL/g、41.9%。计算漂白过程中脱木素选择性、单位臭氧消耗内卡伯值的降低率和白度的增加率,通过线性回归建立合适的数学模型,求出各因素随臭氧用量(O3CON)或卡伯值的预估函数。研究表明,硫酸盐阔叶木浆低浓臭氧漂白时,臭氧用量对卡伯值的关系采用指数模型较为合适,其方程为K=7.359(O3CON)-0.2318,R2=0.9987。结合黏度、白度随卡伯值变化的方程,臭氧用量取0.77%、其他条件一定时,通过该模型预测得到纸浆卡伯值、黏度、白度分别为7.8、624.2 mL/g、42.9%,该经验模型可预测并优化低浓硫酸盐阔叶木浆的臭氧漂白反应。
Abstract:The independent variable was ozone consumption, responses values were Kappa number, viscosity and brightness, the influence of ozone consumption on pulp properties was studied. A pulp with Kappa number of 8.1, viscosity of 658.4 mL/g and whiteness of 41.9% could be achieved under an optimal condition with ozone consumption was 0.77%. The bleaching selectivity, the efficiency expressed as brightness gain and lignin removal was calculated, the appropriate mathematical models were established by linear regression. The Kappa number estimation function of hardwood kraft pulp by the ozone consumption was:K=7.359(O3CON-0.2318 and R2was 0.9987. Combined with the equations between viscosity, brightness and Kappa number, when the ozone dosage was 0.77% and other conditions were certain, the Kappa number, viscosity and whiteness of the pulp were predicted to be 7.8, 624.2 mL/g, and 42.9%, respectively. The model could be used to predicate and optimize the bleaching responses of ozone bleaching of low consistency hardwood kraft pulp as the ozone consumption changed.
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