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吴煦档案中水印纸的考察和分析 |
Study on the Watermark Paper from Wu Xu Archives |
收稿日期:2019-01-25 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2019.08.007 |
关键词: 吴煦档案 水印纸 制作工艺 |
Key Words:Wu Xu archives watermark paper production process |
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摘要点击次数: 4840 |
全文下载次数: 3852 |
摘要:吴煦档案为国家一级文物,是清代中、后期非常珍贵的文献档案。本课题首次对吴煦档案中发现的一张水印纸的制作工艺和来源等相关历史背景进行了综合性的研究。根据实物和文献研究,认为这张水印纸的主要原料是麻,纸张较厚,表面光滑,有帘纹,为机制纸。纸张有非常清晰的水印,内容分为两部分,分别是生产厂家名字(T. H. Saunders)和生产时间(1860年)、商标;由此推断这张纸由英国T. H. Saunders造纸厂于1860年所生产。结合纸张上的字迹分析表明,纸张应在1860─1862年之间进入中国。本课题对该张水印纸的研究是国内首次对于清代已发现的水印纸的分析与研究,为水印纸的起源和加工情况的研究提供了新的资料和依据。 |
Abstract:Wu Xu archives was the national first grade cultural relics which was precious archives of middle and late Qing Dynasty. In the process of archives organizing and repairing, a watermark paper was found. The preliminary study on the watermark paper production process, Sino-Western communication of papermaking technology and culture was carried out. On the basis of real object and literature research, it was concluded that the main raw material of the watermark paper was hemp and it was a machine made paper with the characters of thick paper, its surface was smooth, and with curtain grain. A very clear watermark on the paper showing the manufacturer name T. H. Saunders, production time 1860 and the manufacturer’s trademark which indicated that this paper was produced by British T. H. Saunders paper mill in 1860. It was estimated that the paper should enter into China between 1860 and 1862 combining the analysis of handwriting left on the paper. It was the first study on the watermark paper which was found in Qing Dynasty. |
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