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等距直齿磨盘磨齿倾角与磨齿表征参数的关联性研究 |
Correlation Between Bar Angle and Characterization Parameters of the Isometric Straight Bar Plate |
收稿日期:2020-02-10 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2020.04.010 |
关键词: 盘磨机 等距直齿磨盘 磨齿倾角 表征参数 |
Key Words:disc refiner isometric straight bar plate bar angle characterization parameter |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(50745048);陕西省重点研发计划(2020GY-105)。 |
摘要点击次数: 5002 |
全文下载次数: 2992 |
摘要:等距直齿磨盘是磨浆过程最为常见的磨盘之一,磨齿倾角作为其典型的齿型参数直接影响浆料在磨区的流动及对浆料的泵送作用,进而影响磨浆质量及效率。本文提出了磨齿静态交错角并分析了等距直齿磨盘设计时磨齿倾角的大致范围,分析了不同磨齿倾角的等距直齿磨盘相关表征参数的变化,并推测了其磨浆特性,但其实际磨浆质量及效率还需要进一步的实验研究。 |
Abstract:The isometric straight bar plate is one of the most common used plates in refining process. As a typical bar parameter, the bar angle directly affects the pulp flow in the refining zone and the pumping effect, thereby affecting the refining quality and efficiency. In this paper, the static attack angle of refining plate was proposed and the approximate range of designed bar angle of the isometric straight bar plate were analyzed. The variation of the characterization parameters of the isometric straight bar plate with different bar angles was analyzed. The refining characteristics were presumed based on the analysis of characterization parameters, but the actual refining effect and efficiency need further experimental testify. |
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