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废纸纤维回用过程恶臭气体产生因素研究 |
Study on Malodorous Gas Production Factors in Waste Fiber Reuse Process |
收稿日期:2023-02-11 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2023.11.011 |
关键词: 废纸纤维 网下白水 厌氧微生物 恶臭气体 |
Key Words:waste paper fiber wet-end white water anaerobe malodorous gas |
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摘要点击次数: 1424 |
全文下载次数: 861 |
摘要:本研究利用泵吸式气体检测仪对恶臭气体浓度进行检测,探究了废纸纤维回用过程中网下白水添加量、淀粉浓度、Na2SO4浓度对恶臭气体释放量的影响。结果表明,当网下白水添加量为0时,总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)、H2S和NH3的释放量几乎均为0;增加网下白水添加量可使浆料中的恶臭气体释放量显著增加,证明微生物的大量繁殖是影响恶臭气体释放的主要因素之一。随着淀粉浓度的提高,H2S和NH3的释放量增长明显,但TVOC释放量与未加入淀粉时基本一致。Na2SO4对浆料中TVOC、H2S和NH3的产生均存在促进作用,随着浆料中Na2SO4浓度的升高,恶臭气体释放量显著增加。 |
Abstract:In this study, the concentration of malodorous gases was detected by pumping gas detector, the effects of wet-end white water dosage, starch concentration, and Na2SO4 concentration on the release of malodorous gases in the reuse process of waste paper fiber were investigated. The results showed that the release of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), H2S and NH3 was almost 0, respectively, when the dosage of wet-end white water was 0. Meanwhile the dosage of wet-end white water was increased, it would result in a significant increase in the release of malodorous gases in the pulp, which proofed that the proliferation of microorganisms was one of the main factors affecting the release of malodorous gases. With the increase of starch concentration, the release of H2S and NH3 increased obviously, but the release of TVOC was basically the same as that without starch. The production of TVOC, H2S and NH3 in the plup was promoted by Na2SO4, and the release of malodorous gases increased significantly, with the increase of Na2SO4 concentration in the plup. |
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