Development and Research Status of Wax Paper
关键词:  涂布  蜡笺纸  粉蜡笺纸
Key Words:coating  waxed paper  powder waxed paper
姜润楠 北京印刷学院北京102600 102600
葛梦帆 中国科学院大学北京100049 100049
范怡宁 北京印刷学院北京102600 102600
韩宾* 中国科学院大学北京100049 100049
施继龙 北京印刷学院北京102600 102600
摘要点击次数: 383
全文下载次数: 278
Abstract:Wax paper is one of the ancient coated paper in China in the base paper applied wax coating processing paper, appeared in Sui and Tang Dynasties, Ming and Qing Dynasties are the most prosperous, lost in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. In different periods of ancient China, the difference in the production of wax paper is mainly reflected in the thickness of the paper, the number of layers, and the wax application technique, according to the different techniques and coating materials, it can be divided into wax paper, powder wax paper, and gold wax paper. The protection and restoration of wax paper cultural relics begin at the beginning of this century, and the scientific and technological analysis of wax paper begin to appear in recent years, mainly using non-destructive or micro-damage methods to analyze the raw material composition and structure of wax paper. At present, the research on wax paper is little, and there is still room for further improvement in the restoration, protection and restoration of wax paper. This paper reviewed the development of wax paper and the research achievements in raw materials, production process, technical analysis, protection and restoration of wax paper, and provided a reference for the subsequent research of wax paper.
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